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Companies are more in need of acoustic partitions than ever. The demand is now growing with acoustic partitions being used for meeting rooms and spaces for focused work.

With so many products on the market, we give our analysis of how we measure acoustic partition success.

Measure the acoustic effectiveness

Common practice measures the success of an acoustic partition by its sound insulation or sound reduction performance. Commonly named the Sound Reduction Index (SRI), it determines how much a partition can reduce sound.

Tested in controlled laboratory conditions, SRI allows direct comparison between similar products.

Test the sound insulation

Similarly, we carry out sound insulation testing under controlled conditions in a purpose-built testing chamber.

This comprises two acoustically isolated rooms, the source room and the receiving room, ensuring there is no acoustic flanking* between them.

*Flanking is the process by which sound passes through either a ceiling void,  floor void or mullion detail making the partition test null. We can combat this by installing an acoustic barrier into the floor and ceiling.

Between the two rooms is a testing aperture, into which we fit the representative partition.

Noise is generated in the source room on one side of the partition. Testers take an initial measurement from within the source room, followed by another measurement in the receiver room. Applying corrections for background noise and the amount of absorption within the receiving room is paramount.

The difference between the two outcomes gives us an appreciation of the airborne sound insulation performance of the partition, or the Sound Reduction Index ‘R’. The bigger the difference, the better the performance.

Independent UKAS testing

Testing acoustic performance in a UKAS-accredited laboratory (in Salford, Manchester) is hugely beneficial. Subsequently, we can provide the results of all of our partitions on request.

We measure SRI by testing a partition in an acoustic laboratory in accordance with EN ISO 10140-1 and 2. Expressing the result in dB (Rw) in accordance with EN ISO 717-1.

Ensure an accurate comparison

In order to accurately and directly compare the acoustic performance of similar glass partition systems, it is essential that we obtain the laboratory tested Rw(dB) value of each partition. Not only will this allow a fair comparison, but it will also give you peace of mind that the system you specify is fully tested and certified.

In addition, a more in-depth look at acoustic effectiveness is available on our Acoustic Hub.

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